If you didn’t take advantage of Spirit Halloween’s Independence Day sale you are still in luck if you wanted to grab some really cool animatronics for your Halloween party this year. Spirit announced earlier today that they are holding a Clearance Sale on their site. Prices have been slashed even further to eliminate inventory to make room for new items for Halloween 2017.
Here’s whats on sale right now.
The 6′ Lunging Haggard Witch has been marked down to $125.00. It was $137.99 last week, down from last year’s price of $229.99.
The 6.5′ Towering Witch has been marked down half price. Last year the prop was $249.99. Now it’s only $125.
The Swamp Hag is now $100. Last week it was $112.49, down from 199.99 last year. The Swamp Hag is a great prop and was a hit on Halloween at my house last year.
The 5′ Undead Granny Animatronic and the 3.5 Wheelchair Granny Prop which were featured during the Independence Day sale are now longer listed on the site. Apparently their sale was successful and they sold out of the props.
I jumped on the Lunging Haggard With and the Towering Witch during the sale earlier this month. I could’ve waited and saved $10 or $20 and still got them but I’m glad I went ahead and added them to my collection.
Spirit has been adding new animated props the last few weeks and it looks to be like another fun Halloween season for the store. There have been reports of Spirit stores popping up all over the country in recent weeks. The stores are getting staffed and setting up for the season. Unfortunately they won’t officially open until August or September but you can always browse SpiritHalloween.com for the latest in Halloween decorations, costumes and props.