I’ve never been a big fan of scarecrow animatronics over the years. However, when I saw the new Night Stalker prop from Spirit Halloween it immediately made me do a double take. If you haven’t seen the creepy scarecrow prop just yet, please check out the video below and subscribe to our Youtube channel.
According to Spirit Halloween:
You work from sun up to sundown, tending the fields, babying your crops and livestock to eke out a living. Then one morning, you wake up to find dead birds strewn across your fields, and all your wheat crop smashed and bent over, and you swear to yourself that your scarecrow is smiling now. The other farmers tell you stories about missing chickens and uprooted vegetable crops. You chuckle and think it’s a good thing that he’s stuck to that wooden stake, but just in case, you start sleeping with your favorite machete next to the bed.
When activated Night Stalker’s eyes light up and he begins laughing uncontrollably while moving his head from side to side. The eerie scarecrow prop stands right at five feet tall and weighs just over ten pounds.
At $179.99 the new Night Stalker prop won’t cost too much and is one of the more affordable props Spirit Halloween will be offering this year. I think he would excellent standing out in a garden on Halloween night. I can just imagine kids walking past him as he suddenly burst out laughing. That would be great!
Lots more cool props coming your way. Please check back soon! You don’t want to miss out.