Earlier this year we told you Spirit Halloween had a big creepy clown coming out this year for Halloween 2017. The larger than life clown was released in late August and was a hit with customers all over the United States. The 7 Foot Towering Creepy Clown was so popular that it sold out in three weeks and is no longer available on SpiritHalloween.com’s website.
There are conflicting reports on whether or not it is on Amazon.com.
I’ve seen the props on eBay but some people are getting greedy and selling the Towering Creepy Clowns for $300-400.
I went into my local Spirit Halloween store this weekend and the manager told me that they were allocated three 7 Foot Towering Creepy Clowns and sold them all in under a week. At $200 each the prop is one of the higher priced items at Spirit this year and usually takes longer. Normally customers will spend up to $100 for props and the higher end ones usually stick around for a while. That’s not the case with the Towering Creepy Clown this year.
With the movie “It” being #1 at the box office the past two weeks it has made clowns the hot thing for Halloween 2017. The film about a clown who terrorized children in a small town in Maine is all the rage right now and it only makes sense that people want to have a clown featured at their Halloween party this year. Unfortunately no one got the license for a new Pennywise prop for 2017. There is an older Pennywise animatronic out there but it’s nothing like the clown in the new film. Since you can’t go out an buy a Pennywise animatronic you have to look at other options and that’s what people did when they walked into Spirit Halloween and saw the Towering Creepy Clown.
I asked the manager if they would be receiving anymore of the larger than life clowns but she told me she didn’t know. She said that Spirit Halloween might send one or two more props before Halloween but there’s a good chance that they might not get anymore in. Each store got an allotment of animated props that usually get them through until Halloween. The retailers operate on consignment and don’t normally buy a lot of animatronics because they cost more and have to take a bigger hit when they reduce them after Halloween when they drastically mark down prices on items before they shit down.
If you see a Towering Creepy Clown prop and you think you want to add it to your collection. Don’t wait. Buy it and bring him home with you. The prop won’t be there long.
If you can’t find the big clown you can still find several other assorted clown animated clowns on Amazon.com for $125-200.
You can always buy one of the clowns off of Amazon.com and set him up for Halloween. There’s even a Pennywise mask you could put on any other clown prop to make him into something even creepier.
Halloween is around the corner. And I would imagine next year there will be a Pennywise prop available from the new film. But this year you’ll have to be creative, especially due to the shortage of the Towering Creepy Clowns in America.