Home Depot is taking 30% off of Halloween merchandise to liquidate their inventory leading up to Halloween. Lowes is taking 25% off. Home Depot’s sale runs through October 26 while Lowes runs through the 27th. Stores usually reduce seasonal merchandise like Halloween and Thanksgiving early so they can make room for all the…
Category: Bargain Halloween Props
Home Accents 6 Ft. Animated Lab Monster Review (Frankenstein)
Last year I was walking through Home Depot after Halloween and noticed that the manager was marking down Halloween items to make room for the Christmas stuff he had in the back room. Everything was slashed to 75% off and when prices drop that drastically you can find some good value in things…
Home Accents Angel of Death Review
Last year I was walking through Home Depot a few days after Halloween and I stumbled across some picked over Halloween props. Everything was marked down 75% so I loaded up on a few lower tier animated props that I vowed to do something with this year. One of the most interesting one…
Animated Swamp Hag Review
I love unique Halloween props and the Animated Swamp Hag prop is pretty darn unique. She’s not quite a witch and it’s hard to tell what she’s all about when she starts talking and she sounds more cajun than creepy. I picked the Swamp Hag up three years ago and she’s one of…
Animated Gothic Girl Review
Last year when I was looking for some deals on Halloween animatronics I came across the Animated Gothic Girl on eBay for $130. I was interested in the prop but thought that $130 was a little too much for the creepy animatronic. I reached out to the seller, Sarcazmos Fun House and asked…
Animatronic Towering Witch Review
Earlier this month Spirit Halloween had a really good sale on animatronics to clear out inventory before the new 2017 props started rolling into their warehouse. I took advantage of their sale and picked up a Towering Witch for only $125. Last year the prop was $249 so getting this really large prop…
Wicked Witch of the West Animatronic Review
I grew up watching the Wizard of Oz and was along with a lot of other people in the world was scared to death of the Wicked Witch of the West. I had seen that she was made into an animated Halloween prop a few years ago and wanted to add her to…
Get AHead for Halloween with Little Jars of Horror
I stumbled across Little Jars of Horror a month ago when I was looking for new props to use at my Halloween party in October. They took a good idea and made it into an inexpensive prop anyone could afford if they wanted to add a little something to their haunted house for…
Animated Lunging Haggard Witch Review
I ordered a Lunging Haggard Witch from Spirit Halloween last week when they ran their big sale last week for Independence Day. Normally the prop sells for $229.99 but the sale price during the event was only $137.99. For a prop that lifelike that truly was a bargain. I saw the witch last…
Rite Aid Grim Reaper Animated Prop Review
The day after Halloween is the best time to go shopping for discounted Halloween props. Three years ago I went into Rite Aid and saw a 6′ Grim Reaper sitting on the shelf. They had several of them and I couldn’t believe that no one had picked him up. He had been priced…
Bargain Halloween Props: Animated Bernard Butler with Raven
I stopped into my local Halloween Express the day after Halloween last year to see what was available. A lot of stuff was picked over and you couldn’t find any Harley Quinn costumes anywhere. That’s ok. I’m an animated prop guy and luckily for me the big ticket items were mostly still there….