Halloween 2017 is barely in the books and we are already started to see new props for 2018 trickling out online. January through August can be some of the worst months for hardcore Halloween fanatics so it’s encouraging to see new stuff starting to pop up for next Halloween.
One of the first animated props this year is a new animatronic from Distortions Unlimited called “Rancid”. With a name like that you know it must be creepy and you won’t be disappointed when you see it. FYI make sure there aren’t any small children around you when you watch the video. It’s that scary, especially when you hear the prop start to make noises.
Here’s the video of the new Rancid prop is action.
Wow, what do you think?
What really makes the new Rancid prop so realistic is the fact that she rocks back and forth as she giggles. She almost looks like a zombie but appears to be possessed and makes some of the most disturbing sounds you will ever hear. The sounds come from an audio track that comes with the prop. The kids in your neighborhood will be scared to death when they come to knock on your door on Halloween only to see the Rancid prop rocking back and forth on the front porch. This prop registers really high on the creepy-meter and that’s a good thing.
At $459 the new Rancid prop doesn’t come cheap but you can always expect very high quality when you purchase anything from Distortions Unlimited. Their props have been used in haunted houses for years and now you can add their props to your collection too. Distortions Unlimited has some other new props the have just released for 2018 that are also available on their website.
It’s only January and there are more new Halloween animated props on the way!